About Us
Pearl Ridge Elementary School is located in the heart of the Aiea community, overlooking Pearl Harbor. It first opened its doors in September 1972, with an enrollment of 455 students from grades K through 6.
In 1993, Pearl Ridge Elementary was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon Schools. This program recognizes both public and private elementary, middle and high schools where students perform at very high levels or where significant improvements are being made in students' levels of academic achievement. Our school administration building was built during the fall 1999.
Today, it is a year round school that cares for a diverse population of students (pre-K - 6) with a variety of ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds and learning abilities. |
![]() Our school administration building was built during the fall 1999.
School Logo 
During the 1985-86 school year, an important effort by the entire school was made to search for a school mascot and logo. Finally, the design submitted by student Darren Sakurada was accepted by the entire school as our official school logo.
The logo consists of:
- Porpoise (school mascot)
- Pearl (symbolizing part of our school name)
- Three ridge lines below the pearl (symbolizing second half of our school name)
- School colors: Green and Blue

In 2018, approximately 33 years later, a decision was made to update our logo. We wanted a new logo that would pay homage to the original, but would have a more modern, iconic feel that would spark a new excitement to our students, faculty, school, and community.
With the help of a local graphic designer, Davin Iyamatsu, input of faculty and School Community Council, and many drafts rendered, a new design was completed in 2019.
New logo. Same spirit and pride. We are Pearl Ridge Elementary!
Alma Mater
Alma Mater:
"Nestled 'Neath The Misty Ko'olau"
Nestled 'neath the misty Ko'olau
Looking to the endless sea,
Stands a school, our Alma Mater
Full of pride and dignity.
We are so special
So mighty and dear,
Our porpoise leads us onward
Each year, after year
Colors green for the mountains
And blue for the sea
Na Keiki O Pali Momi
Na Keiki O Pali Momi
Looking to the endless sea,
Stands a school, our Alma Mater
Full of pride and dignity.
We are so special
So mighty and dear,
Our porpoise leads us onward
Each year, after year
Colors green for the mountains
And blue for the sea
Na Keiki O Pali Momi
Na Keiki O Pali Momi
Alma Mater History:
Through the input of students, parents and teachers, the song was submitted by Mrs. Gwen Takeguchi, parent and part-time teacher in 1988, as the official Pearl Ridge Elementary School alma mater.
Three BEs:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Safe