School Rules / Policies
3 BEs
Here at Pearl Ridge Elementary, we strive to live by the following:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
General Recess Rules
- Play only in areas designated by your teachers.
- Students are to use the play equipment properly as instructed by their teachers. Safety is always the first consideration.
- Should balls need to be retrieved from the roof, beyond the fences or from the parking lot, seek assistance from the adults on yard duty.
- Rough play such as fake-fighting, karate, wrestling, pushing and shoving is not allowed.
- Disagreements on the playground should be resolved by students with the help of Peer Mediators and/or adult on yard duty.
Student Code of Conduct
Parents rate student safety and discipline as the most important concern of schools. At Pearl Ridge we enjoy a safe and positive climate, but we are continually trying to improve. In order to maintain and improve, student conduct it must be a community effort. We know that parents are interested in knowing some of our "ground rules" and that parents will support us in every way possible. These rules were established jointly by parents, students, and teachers. We do our best to be fair, and we solicit your support in accomplishing this desirable objective in helping us continue to make Pearl Ridge an exemplary school.
When a student misbehaves in school, it is usually because he/she does not know the rules, has forgotten the rules, or has used poor judgment in dealing with a specific situation. Discipline is then viewed as part of the educational process and is approached as an opportunity for problem-solving. A student is taught to accept the natural or logical consequences of his/her behavior and encouraged to make more appropriate decisions in the future. Staff members help students to be effective, responsible individuals by teaching them problem-solving skills, by consistently helping students to apply the skills, and by providing good models.
When a student misbehaves in school, it is usually because he/she does not know the rules, has forgotten the rules, or has used poor judgment in dealing with a specific situation. Discipline is then viewed as part of the educational process and is approached as an opportunity for problem-solving. A student is taught to accept the natural or logical consequences of his/her behavior and encouraged to make more appropriate decisions in the future. Staff members help students to be effective, responsible individuals by teaching them problem-solving skills, by consistently helping students to apply the skills, and by providing good models.
Uniform & Dress Code Policy
Pearl Ridge Elementary (PRE) School and SCC has chosen to adopt a uniform policy. Beginning the 2019-2020 school year, all students attending Pearl Ridge Elementary will be required to wear a school uniform. PRE school community believes that school uniforms have a positive effect on the atmosphere for learning. School uniforms will also help address aspects of our students’ appearance, appropriateness, safety, and school pride. We encourage parents to support the community’s decision where school uniforms are mandated to make PRE a school where safety and school pride is a priority. We are all examples for our students whether we realize it or not. We expect ALL parents, visitors and staff to dress appropriately when attending school functions and field trips.
Students are required to wear the school uniform t-shirt daily, except on Wednesdays. On occasion, special designated days will be considered “optional” uniform days. Exceptions will be announced in advance for special school events (appropriate clothing must be worn). E.g., picture taking, spirit week or those designated by the Principal.
- PRE school uniform t-shirts with new logo shall be worn as designed.
- The form and design of these shirts shall not be changed or altered in any way.
Wash Wednesday
- All students are required to wear the school uniform t-shirt on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, however, students may wear any previous PRE t-shirt (e.g., Hustle for Health, club t-shirts, etc.) or tops that follow the school dress code policy.
- School IDs must be worn at ALL times. ID replacements are $3.00.
- All clothing and accessories must be free of messages relating to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gangs, sex or profanity.
- Bottoms must fit the waist without the support of a belt. Oversized, saggy or baggy pants/shorts below the waist or exposing undergarments is prohibited.
- Hems of shorts and skirts must not be shorter than the tip of the middle finger when the student is standing with arms down. Short shorts are prohibited.
- Bandannas, head coverings, sunglasses/shades, waist chains, oversized belts or belt buckles are prohibited.
- Spaghetti straps, halter tops, off the shoulder, tube tops, sleeveless shirts or blouses with straps of less than one (1) inch are not permitted.
- Clothing that exposes the chest, back, or midriff (with any kind of movement) is not permitted.
- Jackets and sweaters are allowed.
- Footwear is required during school hours. Maximum shoe heel height is one (1) inch.
WAIVER: (B.O.E. Guideline)
Parents wishing to exempt their student from the uniform policy may “opt-out” by requesting the Application for Exemption form available in the school office. Parents should (1) return the completed form to the office; (2) meet with the Principal or Vice Principal to discuss the student uniform policy and nature of the objection; and (3) review the acceptable student attire. Exemptions are valid only for the current school year and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
Consequences for Non-Compliance to Uniform Policy
1st offense: Parent(s) will be informed that the child is in violation of the dress code by sending home a notice that requires a parent/guardian signature. If a change of clothing is not available, a “school loaner” uniform will be issued. The school loaner shirt must be returned washed. The notice will be put on file in the office in case of other violations.
2nd offense: The student will be sent to the office. Parent/guardian will be called to bring a change of clothing or the school may provide the student with a gently-used uniform. The school loaner shirt must be returned washed. A second (2nd) violation will be noted and filed in the office.
3rd offense: The student will be sent to the office. Parent will be asked to bring a uniform to the school. Administration will call parent/guardian for a conference and the student will be assigned a reflection task to be completed during recess in the office. A third (3rd) violation will be noted and filed in the office.
4th offense: The student will be sent to the office. The student will be considered insubordinate (Class C violation) in accordance with Chapter 19.
Revised 2019
General Cafeteria Rules
- Line up and wait in line in an orderly manner.
- No playground equipment should be brought into the cafeteria.
- Remain seated while eating.
- Shouting, yelling or creating a disturbance is not acceptable.
- Do not take food from other students.
- Clean up your own area by picking up forks, napkins, or other items that you may have dropped.
- If you need to leave the cafeteria for any reason during lunch, ask the supervisor for permission.
- Return to your assigned table after disposing of your lunch tray and remain seated until dismissed by the adult supervisors. When excused, walk, not run, to your classroom or playground area.
- Students will folllow the directions of the adult supervisors and cafeteria workers, or other adults supervising the area.
Department of Education, Chapter 19 Discipline Plan
Disciplinary rules adopted by the State Board of Education and approved by the Governor were in effect as of September 1, 1982 and revised as recently as 1998. These rules specify four classes of offenses and are listed in A, B, C, and D.
Class A Offenses, which must be reported to the Administration, who will determine if a dangerous situation exists and shall call the police. Offenses include but are not limited to: assault, burglary; possession or use of dangerous weapons,firearms or instruments; possession, use or sale of illicit substances; murder; property damage; robbery; sexual offense; and terroristic threatening.
Class B Offenses, which must be reported to the Administration, who will determine if a dangerous situation exists and shall call the police. Offenses include but are not limited to: disorderly conduct; rendering of false alarm; gambling; harassment; theft; and trespassing.
Class C Offenses, for which reports to the police are not required, include but are not limited to: class cutting, insubordination, leaving campus without consent, smoking, use of tobacco substance, and truancy.
Class D Offenses, for which reports to the police are not required, include school prohibited conduct.
In accordance with Act 90 "Zero-Tolerance," any child found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon, intoxicating liquor, or illicit drugs while attending school, may be excluded from school for up to ninety (92) school days. Any student found to be in possession of a firearm shall be dismissed from school for not less than a one year period.
The student conduct code applies to all students in the public school system, during school hours, and on school premises, or during any supervised activities on or off school property.
Class A Offenses, which must be reported to the Administration, who will determine if a dangerous situation exists and shall call the police. Offenses include but are not limited to: assault, burglary; possession or use of dangerous weapons,firearms or instruments; possession, use or sale of illicit substances; murder; property damage; robbery; sexual offense; and terroristic threatening.
Class B Offenses, which must be reported to the Administration, who will determine if a dangerous situation exists and shall call the police. Offenses include but are not limited to: disorderly conduct; rendering of false alarm; gambling; harassment; theft; and trespassing.
Class C Offenses, for which reports to the police are not required, include but are not limited to: class cutting, insubordination, leaving campus without consent, smoking, use of tobacco substance, and truancy.
Class D Offenses, for which reports to the police are not required, include school prohibited conduct.
In accordance with Act 90 "Zero-Tolerance," any child found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon, intoxicating liquor, or illicit drugs while attending school, may be excluded from school for up to ninety (92) school days. Any student found to be in possession of a firearm shall be dismissed from school for not less than a one year period.
The student conduct code applies to all students in the public school system, during school hours, and on school premises, or during any supervised activities on or off school property.
Consequences for Class A, B, or C Offenses
- Reprimand and warning
- Parent Conference
- Referral to counselor/adjustment to current program
- Detention
- Crisis suspension (immediate exclusion of a student from school because the student's conduct presents a clear threat to the physical safety of self or others, or the student is so disruptive as to make the student's immediate removal necessary to preserve the right of other students to pursue their education free from undue disruption)
- Suspension of 1-10 days
- Suspension of 11 or more days
- Disciplinary transfer to another school
- Dismissal from school
Disciplinary action may be carried over to a new school year if a student commits a serious violation within the last 20 days of the previous school year.
Consequences for Class D Offenses
After repeated reminders/reprimands/counseling by the teachers or other staff members, should the student continue to disregard school rules, a referral will be made to the Principal or Vice Principal. For grades K-6, disciplinary actions that may be taken for Class D offenses include:
- Reprimand/warning
- Parent Conference
- Referral to counselor/adjustment to current program
- Detention
- Suspension, 1-10 days