Choose Love
What is the Choose Love Movement?
Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to ensure that every child has access to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in their classrooms and to help facilitate this teaching within their families, schools and communities. We do this in honor of Jesse and to spread the message he left on his family’s kitchen chalkboard shortly before he died – “Nurturing, Healing Love.”
Founder, Scarlett Lewis has personally dedicated her life’s work to sharing Jesse’s message to make a positive impact on our world and by supporting the efforts of increasing the awareness and benefits of SEL by “Choosing Love.”
Social Emotional Learning
Long-term studies have shown that social and emotional learning (SEL) is more important than academic learning to a student’s success, academically and in life. All students deserve to receive SEL in their classrooms based on the evidence compiled from decades of research showing the tremendous life-long benefits of SEL mentally, physically and emotionally for students. In fact, SEL is the most powerful and proactive mental health initiative we have. All evidence points to SEL being a necessary component of our children’s education and a powerful solution to the issues we face in our society today.
For more information, you can visit the Choose Love website.
For more information, you can visit the Choose Love website.