Digital Devices
Pearl Ridge Technology
Pearl Ridge Elementary School is a 1 to 1 school that provides each student with the technology tools to enhance their learning.
- All classrooms have a digital devices used for learning.
- Grades K - 6 classes have Chromebooks in order to integrate GAfE (Google Apps for Education) in teacher lessons as well as in student learning.
- The use of Chromebooks will allow PRE to better administer the SBA Hawaii Assessment tests by increasing the amount of classes taking the test and allowing more time for teachers to teach and students to learn.
- Our entire campus is equipped with WiFi to allow access to online resources through mobile devices.
Internet Policies and Guidelines
All students, faculty, and staff who obtain their telecommunications access privileges through association with Pearl Ridge Elementary School must read, agree, and abide by the DOE Technology Responsibility Use Guidelines (TRUG). In addition, users must also fill out the DOE Student Publication form which gives permission for the display of individuals works, photographs, or video.